
Statistics and reports are an integral part of any business. Using our advanced report extension you can create detail project progress reports for any project and customize which data should be shown in the report. You can then download report in PDF or CSV format.

Available reports

Below is a list of reports that are available in Taskbuilder:

  • All Tasks: A complete report showing all your tasks from selected project.
  • Overdue Tasks: Report shows all tasks which are not completed yet. It gives report of tasks which are not closed on end date of task. Now you can work on tasks to get off from your waiting list first.
  • Complete Tasks: It shows report of tasks which are completed on time(end date).
  • Assigned User’s Tasks: You can select users whose tasks report you want to see. 
  • Unassigned Tasks: It shows report of  tasks which were not assigned to any of the users.

Creating a progress report

To create a progress report, navigate to Projects > Reports. You can select the project to see report and select the following options are available:

  • Project – The project to generate the report for
  • Include – 
    • Name
    • Description
    • Created On
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Category
    • Status
    • Tasks

Click on the Generate  Report button to create the report. You can select start date and end date. You will get all tasks between these dates. Also, you can generate different reports i.e All Tasks, Overdue Tasks, Complete Tasks, Assigned User Tasks, Unassigned Tasks. You can download report in PDF or CSV format.



